and its Legacy Exhibition
2007 was the 200th anniversary of the end of slavery in Britain, and the British
African Slave Trade. This anniversary saw many commemorative events throughout Britain. Sands of Time Consultancy produced
a travelling display and education resource. One set of panels was presented to the Museums Association of the Caribbean to
tour the Caribbean.
Along with 12 panels there is a small collection of original illustrations and artifacts,
but this will be dependant on an organisation's insurance, security and environmental conditions.
Please contact
Nigel Sadler if you wish to be a partner or if you would like to hire the travelling display

of a Slave Ship
One panel will look at the slave ships which carried out this barbaric trade. Another panel will look
at the anti slave ship patrols in the Atlantic post 1811 and the ships of this period

Convoy of enslaved africans
One panel will cover where the enslaved came
from in Africa, the preferences for slaves from certain regions, the trading forts and the items traded for the human cargo.

Cotton plantation, USA
Three panels will cover the work carried out by the
enslaved such as producing cotton, sugar and salt. One panel will look at Britain, one will look at the USA and one will look
at the Caribbean
The Home Front 1935-1945
Sands of Time Consultancy
are at present researching for the production of 10 panels for a travelling display on the Home Front in Britain 1935 to 1945.
The panels will look at the build up to war, the different elements of the civil defence, shelters, evacuation,
war work, bombings, entertainment, rationing, VE and VJ celebrations.
These panels with a selection of war time
memorabilia will be available for hire by late 2021. Please contact Nigel Sadler for more information.

Ration Book
One panel will look at rationing and shortages

One panel will look at the various civil defence units

One panel will look at war work and security