Bodies, Free Minds This 12 panel display looks at the transatlantic
slave trade. Below are images of each of the panels. The panels do not have the overprint on them, this is only
to prevent copying of the panel images off the website. Each panel
comes mounted in its own display stand and is easy to erect. If you would like to hire the display please
contact Sands of Time Consultancy. The hirer will be responsible for all shipping costs to and from the venue. For museums
in Britain Sands of Time Consultancy may also be willing to hire objects. A copy of 'Chained Bodies, Free Minds' was donated to the Museums Association of Caribbean at their AGM in November
2007. If you would like to purchase a set of the panels please contact Sands of
Time Consultancy. Sands of Time Consultancy is also producing a Teachers Resource
Pack to accompany these panels.

Panel 1. Introduction to Exhibition


Panel 3. Enslavement of Africans

Panel 4. The Triangular Trade


Panel 6. Liberated Africans

Panel 7. Slavery in the Caribbean

Panel 8. Slavery in the USA

Panel 9. Slavery in Britain

Panel 10. British Anti Slavery Movement

Panel 11. Legacy of Slavery
