Sands of time Consultancy has been set up by Nigel Sadler and projects undertaken will
mainly utilise the skills and experience of Nigel Sadler. However, Sands of Time Consultancy has access to a network of individuals
and organisations that can be brought in as partners.
Below is my professional work experience. Museum Development Officer, Central London (London Museum Hub) (April 2009-November 2010) I started working as a Museum Development Officer for
MLA London as a freelancer from 30th September 2008 until 31st march 2009. I was then taken on full
time in April 2009 to support museums in Central London, especially through the Accreditation
process, grant applications and the development of several new museums. In 2009 and 2010 I was lead officer for
the Renaissance grant programme for Story of London, managing a grant budget of £60 000 over the two years. In 2010
I was also lead officer for the greening museums and sustainability programmes managing a grant budget of £50 000. During
my employment I was involved in supporting the MLA London team as it was disbanded and helping the transfer of the Museum
Development team from MLA London to the London Museums Hub. As a Museum Development Officer I had to keep myself up to date
with the current issues facing the museum sector, museum standards and the changing nature of Local government needs
and offers. I
decided to leave this position as I felt I could offer more to the museum sector as a freelancer during this times of great
uncertainity. Turks and Caicos National Museum Director (2000-2006)
My role was to lead the museum through major changes and to make the 'behind the scenes' operations more professional. I
introduced a new documentation process and personally documented over 10 000 items.
I reorganised the collections
held in the museum, museum library and museum archive and introduced policies to expand these collections.
I was
also employed to make the museum more relevant to the local community. I immediately removed all entry charges for local residents,
set up a children's club, introduced an annual museum day with community performances and the use of the lecture facilities
by community groups and government departments.
I was also in charge of the museum during the development
of the cruise ship industry on the island and I had to make very difficult decisions on the role of the museum within this
growing industry.
Whilst running the museum i also carried out extensive research projects and became the lead
researcher for the Trouvadore Project, the search for the legacy of a slave ship.
I also furthered my personal
knowledge of disaster planning. There were new issues regarding pest infestation and environmental conditions unique to this
region. I also took the museum through several tropical storms, one hurricane and several hurricane warnings.

During my work at the Turks and Caicos National Museum my research has been centered
around the slave heritage of the country. This has led to several publications, radio and TV presentations, lectures, and
promoting the research work of the museum.
Vestry House
Museum, Museum, Archive and Local Studies Manager (1998-1999)
Vestry House Museum, Keeper (1993-1998)
I was initially employed as Keeper in charge of Vestry House Museum. I introduced a documentation system and in my time
at Vestry House I documented nearly 20 000 items. I was responsible for the temporary exhibition programme and produced 50%
of all of the temporary exhibitions. I also produced a new long term gallery on the Industries of Waltham Forest.
I expanded the travelling exhibition programme and the community loan box service and produced educational resources.
In 1998 I was promoted to Museum, Archive and local Studies Manager. with this promotion I was given the responsibility
of managing the borough archive and Local Studies Library which expanded my knowledge of utilising these resources. At the
same time my duties regarding the Museum were expanded to managing every aspect of the day to day operation.

London Borough of Waltham Forest In Old Photographs
This was
one of the publications produced whilst working at Waltham Forest.
London Canal Museum 1992-1993
I was hired to prepare the museum for a Royal opening and to implement
policies for the professional running of the museum. During my employment I increased the awareness of the museum, built up
the collections, oversaw the excavation of two ice wells, introduced a documentation process and a 5 year plan.
One of the most memorable developments was the recovery of the shell of half a narrowboat, instalation
in the museum and then the construction of a cabin and cargo area on the vessel.
Consultant, Self Employed
During 1991 I started in the museum world by taking on museum consultancy
projects. I was employed by West Midlands Police on two week contract to advise on the move of their collections to a new
building. My report, and the recommendations included, impressed the people in charge of employing me and I was hired for
a further 5 months to manage the move and setting up the museum.
Chiswick Borough hired me to produce a report
to recommend changes that were essential for increased public access to Hogarth House.
Lichfield District Council
hired me to review their collections, assess where items were on loan and to give recommendations on the way to proceed with
making the collections more accessible.
Work in England
Oxford Archaeological Unit (3 months, 1991) I worked as a field archaeologist in
Stratford, East London, on a multi period site.
Leicester Archaeological Unit (3 months 1990) I worked as
a field archaeologist on a deserted medieval village site
Milton Keynes Development Corporation (7 months 1989) I worked as a field archaeologist on a deserted medieval village site
Work in the Near East (1986-1988)
I worked on various projects in Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and
Eastern Turkey. My positions included site Supervisor, Site Recorder, and Researcher