
Slavery Images There a wide
range of images related to slavery in Africa, USA, and the Caribbean covering the period 1750 until 1920

Civil Defence in Britain - 1939-1945 Life in Britain during the Second World War

Caribbean postcards showing
scenes in the Caribbean (Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Haiti) at the beginning of the 19th Century

Africa Series of illustrations,
postcards and photographs of Africa

Digital Images Over 10 000
Digital images covering scenes and events in Britain, France, Italy, Caribbean, USA and Korea. These images are limited in
resolution but are ideal for websites, or small publications (resolutions are usually 300dpi for a 6 x 4 inch image). They
cover many subjects.

Newspaper Illustrations Numerous
illustrations from 19th century British and USA newspapers

Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, UK Having grown up in Sutton Coldfield the area still holds a fascination and Sands of Time Consultancy has collected
several images of the area.

Victorian and Edwardian Portraits A range of portraits from Victorian and Edwardian England. They provide a good resource for clothing styles, posed
photos and studio settings. They include single men, women and children, couples and groups.
Ottery St Mary
Sands of Time Consultancy has been
collecting images on this Devon Town to be used in the forthcoming publication: Ottery St Mary Through Time (Amberley